
OP-25 (Operator Panel)


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The OP-25 is an operator panel, making it easier to use the CNC controller by using physical switches. Some of the highlights of the operator panel are:

  • Supported by software version 5
  • Simple connection through USB
  • USB or Externally powered
  • Integrated USB hub
  • Feed override control
  • Numerous functions through buttons
  • The status of buttons is indicated through LEDs around the buttons
  • Front USB interface for easy connecting a thumb drive
  • Integrated E-stop button* and status indicator

* = E-Stop is only active when connected to an E-stop input.

Package accessories

  • 1x USB cable A -->B (1.8m)
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  • 1x M12 Cable with wire endings (5 meters)
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  • 5x USB Covers
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Use these to cover unused USB A ports.

  • 2x M12 Covers
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Use these to cover unused M12 connectors.

OP-25 Overview

Front side

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The front side of the OP-25 features the following buttons:

(1) START/STOP (job) button Starting and stopping the execution of the loaded CNC job.

(2) Power mode indicator The LED has two colors to indicate the source of power.

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ORANGE = USB-powered

GREEN = Externally powered

(3) Feed OV Enable button Enable or disable the feed override.

(4) Feed OV knob Increase or decrease the feed rate, if enabled.

(5) USB port This USB can be used to plug in a USB thumb drive.

The maximum power of any USB interface is 0.5W. It is NOT intended to be used as a charging port.

(6) Reset Reset the CNC controller.

(7) MDI Open or close MDI dialog.

(8) Macro-1 Execute of OP-25 Macro-1.

Please note, that execution of a macro is only possible when the machine is not currently busy executing (or in pause mode)of a CNC job.

(9) Macro-2 Execute of OP-25 Macro-2.

Please note, that execution of a macro is only possible when the machine is not currently busy executing (or in pause mode)of a CNC job.

(10) Home Execute the home sequence as defined in macro.cnc.

(11) Tool Switch ON or OFF the TOOL output of the controller. The state is indicated by an indicator around the button.

(12) Mist Switch ON or OFF the MIST output of the controller. The state is indicated by an indicator around the button.

(13) Flood Switch ON or OFF the FLOOD output of the controller. The state is indicated by an indicator around the button.

(14) Aux Switch ON or OFF the AUX output of the controller. The state is indicated by an indicator around the button.

(15) Relay This button activates the external relay output that is available at the back of the OP-25. The state is indicated by an indicator around the button.

(16) E-Stop active LED This LED is turned ON when the E-stop button is pressed; indicating that the E-stop is active.

(17) E-Stop button Pressing this E-stop button will activate the E-stop output at the back.

Please note, that this button is not read by the OP-25 device and will not cause an E-stop condition unless its output is connected to a controller or other safety circuit.

Back side

OP-25 back side
OP-25 back side

The back side contains several interfaces

(1) Relay output This relay can be controlled by the Relay button on the front of the device, the state will be indicated by the ring around the button. This relay can only be switched while the operator panel is connected to the software.

(2) E-Stop output This E-Stop output can be used to signal an error when the E-Stop button on the front of the device is pressed. The state of the E-Stop is shown by the E-Stop active indicator on the front of the device.

(3) 4x USB Our ports These USB out ports can be used to connect devices like a mouse and keyboard to the operator panel. This can clean up the number of wires to the PC.

It is never recommended to connect a CNC controller to a USB hub and therefore connecting your USB controller should be avoided.

Note 1. The USB out interface is intended to only supply 100mA per output.

Note 2. If the OP-25 is powered by USB, only two of the four USB outputs can be used.

(4) USB In This USB in port connects the OP-25 to the PC, it can power the device and transmit data to the operator panel and connected USB devices.

(5) Power 24VDC/1A This port provides additional power to the OP-25 device. It allows the usage of all the USB ports on the back of the device.

Connecting the OP-25

USB in

The connection between the PC and the operator panel is established with a USB-A to USB-B cable. The included cable features a locking connector on the operator panel side, this prevents the cable from coming loose unintentionally.

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These locking variants are not universal and should only be bought original.

After inserting the USB B side into the 'USB In' connector, both screws can be turned clockwise to lock the USB to the OP-25 reliably.

Fully inserted and screwed in USB-B plug
Fully inserted and screwed in USB-B plug


Power is supplied through the USB connection or by an optional external power supply.

External power supply connector
External power supply connector

Please note, that if power is supplied through the USB connection only two of the four USB interfaces can be used:

These USB ports can only be used when powered externally
These USB ports can only be used when powered externally

The power supply should be 24VDC/1A center positive.

The DC jack plug dimensions are shown below:

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E-stop output

The E-stop output is controlled by the E-stop button on the front of the OP-25.

When the device is unpowered it will have the same behavior as when the E-stop is pressed. This is done on purpose to ensure the device is ON when using your machine.

The logic for the connections is specified in the table below for your convenience.


Normally open

Normally closed







E-stop pressed



When using the supplied M12 cable, the table below will specify the cable designation. When using aftermarket cables, you will have to measure what wire corresponds to each output. This diagram can also be found on the packaging of the M12 cable.

Color coding for the included M12 cable
Color coding for the included M12 cable

Relay output

The Relay output is controlled through the Relay button on the front of the device.

This output can only be controlled when the device is connected to the software. In all other cases, the outputs will not deviate from the Normally open/Normally closed designation.

The logic for the connections is specified in the table below for your convenience.


Normally open

Normally closed










Connected and Relay pressed



When using the supplied M12 cable, the table below will specify the cable designation. When using aftermarket cables, you will have to measure what wire corresponds to each output. This diagram can also be found on the packaging of the M12 cable.

Color coding for the included M12 cable
Color coding for the included M12 cable

The output rating is 24V/1A. We advise you to use a second power relay if you intend to control anything that could exceed the rating of this relay.

Using the OP-25

Starting/stopping/pausing a job

By pressing the Start or Stop button the machine can be started or stopped executing the current job.

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Please note, that if a job is running, pressing Stop will pause the machine. Pressing the Start button again will cause the machine to continue executing the job.

Controlling the feed override

Another feature of the OP-25 is being able to control the feed rate of your machine. Normally, the appropriate feed rate will have been defined in the G-code of a job. This is considered 100% feed. By using the feed override it is possible to change the percentage of the feed rate.

Overriding the default feed rate is done by the feed override section of the OP-25. The feed override is activated by pressing the 'Feed OV Enable' button. As a result, the indicator on the Feed OV Enable button will light up green.

Feed override disabled (left), feed override enabled (right)
Feed override disabled (left), feed override enabled (right)

The status of Feed override enable is also visible on the screen. When the feed override is disabled, a dot behind the percentage will appear.

Enabled feed override
Enabled feed override

Disabled feed override
Disabled feed override

While the feed override is enabled, the knob can be turned which will change the feed override percentage. This percentage will be visible on screen

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Please note, that if the feed rate is set to 0% the machine will stop. To show this the feed rate will be shown in orange:

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When the feed override is disabled by pressing the button again, the indicator will turn off and the feed override on the screen is reset to 100%.

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Macro programming

The OP-25 features two macro buttons: Macro-1 and Macro-2. These correspond to two user-settable macros. To make use of this functionality, two subroutines need to be added to the macro.

The code below should be added to the macro.cnc file.

sub op25_1 ;OP-25 macro 1 goes here endsub sub op25_2 ;OP-25 macro 2 goes here endsub

The desired commands should go between the sub... and endsub lines.

To make the Macro-1 button zero the Z axis using a tool setter, for example, the code below can be used. Note that this will perform the zero_z command, which will need changing based on your physical machine.

sub op25_1 msg "OP-25 Macro-1 button pressed, Zero-Z will be performed" gosub zero_z endsub

For more information on programming macros, please consult the software manual.

Firmware upgrade

While firmware updates to the operator panels are rare, they can be necessary for the correct operation of the device with newer versions of the software. The software will notify the user if one such upgrade is needed.

The steps below will instruct on how to perform a firmware update.

Remove power from the operator panel by ensuring the USB cable is removed or the PC is powered off. Also, remove the external power supply if one is used. Press the Reset and MDI buttons on the front of the device while simultaneously supplying power (either USB or external power). The Feed OV Enable indicator will start blinking slowly. This indicates that the device is ready to receive new firmware. The buttons can now be released.

Feed OV Enable blinking indicator
Feed OV Enable blinking indicator


For troubleshooting information please have a look at our knowledge base.