Jumpers & Indicators

Lower left (USBPWR) should be set if the board is powered by the USB voltage.
Remove if you want to power externally. External POWER can be applied on pin, see Connectors.

This jumper forces the board to skip the bootloader. This can always stay on unless a firmware upgrade is needed. Remove this jumper and follow the instructions on the Firmware upgrade page in the USB section to complete this procedure. Afterward, place the jumper again to skip the bootloader on the next boot.

This jumper is used to set the output signal that is present on the I/O pin ‘WATCHDOG/SYSRDY‘. For more info see Outputs.

This jumper can be used to deactivate the signals on some I/O pins. Currently, make sure that all jumpers are mounted.

P indicates that the power for the processor is available (3.3V)

The status LEDs indicate the current mode of the controller. The status LEDs are indicated by L1 through L4.
Indicator | Color | Meaning |
L1 | Orange | Board is starting |
L2 | Green | Indicates ‘Machine On’ |
L3 | Green | Controller ‘heartbeat’ indicating the board is active |
L4 | Red | WATCHDOG charge pump, indicates the operation of the watchdog circuitry |
Please note, when in bootloader mode LED2 and LED3 will toggle to indicate this.

The green LINK LED indicates if a network cable is connected. The yellow ACTIVITY LED will blink if there is network communication.

LED7 indicates that the SYSRDY is active. For more information on this signal, read the respective chapter in Outputs.