The HOME inputs are required for the machine to be able to detect the ‘home’ position.
There are multiple different types of homing switches. They can be either PNP or NPN, and either Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC). The CPU5A4(E) supports only NPN both NO and NC.
NPN means that the signal gets switched to the ground if the switch is activated. When using a regular switch, connect one terminal to ground and the other to the corresponding home input.

Connecting a PNP-type switch to the HOME Hx input of the CPU5A4(E) will damage the controller and should be avoided.
The RUN and PAUSE inputs can be used to start or stop a job externally. However, they are also used when you want to connect a wired external pendant. If the software is in JOGWHEEL mode, these inputs are used for zeroing the position (START) or selecting the axis (PAUSE).
Using the PAUSE or RUN input is simply connecting a push button to it, with one side connected to GROUND and the other to the input of the board.

In the image below is a schematic of each digital input:

The HW-A/HW-B inputs can be used to connect a handwheel for exactly setting the position of an axis or changing the feed rate. The position of the axis can only be changed if the software is in the JOGWHEEL mode.
The image below shows how a pendant can be connected to these inputs.

In the image below is a schematic of each digital input:

The E-STOP input is used for indicating an EMERGENCY.
Below the input circuit is shown for the E-STOP input

For using E-STOP, the input signal needs to switch to ground, in the image below this is shown.

The probe input has a dual use. It can be used for tool measurement, measuring the height of a tool, or it can be used for probing an object. If both tools are used, they can be connected together to this input. However, make sure that they both use the same kind of output signal.
Below the input circuit is shown for the PROBE input

For using PROBE, the input signal needs to switch to ground, in the image below this is shown.

The SPINDLEx input can be used to connect an external sensor that indicates the rotation of the spindle or used in case of tapping when used in a lathe application.
The SPINDLEx has a maximum input level of 5V and will be damaged if a higher voltage is applied.
Below the input circuit is shown for the SPINDLEx input

To use the SPINDLEx the input signal needs to switch to ground to be active. The image below shows this.