Supported G-code

G93, G94, G95 (Set Feed Rate Mode)


Three feed rate modes are recognized, depending on the selected mode the Feed of the axes is calculated differently:

  • G93 inverse time, a move is completed in 1/F minutes. For example if F=6 the move is completed in 10 seconds. When G93 is active, the F must be specified on every line containing G1, G3, or G3.
  • G94 units per minute, this is the normal mode for milling, F means units per minute, in millimeter mode mm/minute, in INCH mode inch/minute.
  • G95 Units per revolution, here the F word is the number of units that should be cut per spindle revolution. So the feed of the axes is depending on the rotation speed of the spindle. G95 F2 means to cut 2mm every spindle revolution, so when S=500, the feed for XZ would be FEED = F * S = 2 * 500 = 1000.