Supported M-codes

M1, M100, M104, M106, M107, M109, M140, M143, M190; (3D printer control, discontinued)


M1 All heating and Fans off

M100 P... Change A axis resolution during execution by a factor (factor 1 is standard, 1.01 is 1% more, 0.99 is 1% less.

M104 S... Set extruder temperature, (M104 S50 sets the temperature to 50 degrees Celsius).

M106 S... Workpiece cooling fan on optionally with S=0-100, for 0-100% PWM

M107 Work piece fan off

M109 S... Set the extruder temperature and wait until it is reached. M140 S... Set bed temperature.

M143 S... Set maximum hot-end temperature to prevent overheating.

M190 S... Set the bed temperature and wait until reached.