User Interface



Service status

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  • Job time [h] - The time in hours that the machine has performed jobs since receiving service.
  • Job distance [unit] - The distance that the machine has cut in the units selected by the user since receiving service.
  • Number of jobs done - The number of jobs the machine has performed since receiving service.
  • Reset - Pressing this button resets the service status when the machine has received service.

Machine working status totals

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  • Total job time [h] - The total time in hours that the machine has performed jobs
  • Total distance [unit] - The total distance that the machine has cut in the units selected by the user
  • Total number of jobs done - The total number of jobs the machine has performed

Service parameters

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  • Service time interval [h] - The time interval for service, the software will show a message when this time has elapsed at the end of a job.
  • Service distance interval [unit] - The traveled distance interval for service, the software will show a message to indicate the machine needs service.
  • Save service interval changes - Pressing this button saves the interval settings

Pump parameters

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Configuring the pump settings is explained on its specific page Oil pump.