



Maximum stepper motor driver pulse frequency The maximum step frequency that the controller will generate. The frequency has to be supported by the motor drivers.

If your machine motors are not moving, it is likely that this value is set too high. Please check the manufacturer's information of your motor driver for supported values.

Please note that these values change depending on connected board types. The selected index is stored, but it may correspond to different values on different board types.

Therefore it is recommended to only change this setting with a board connected, not in simulation.

If you use two different board types and require specific step frequencies, please use separate installations to ensure that the values are as desired.


Pulse line is normally high, falling edge trigger Determines polarity for step pulses. When this setting is turned off, it is assumed that the motor driver generates a step on rising edges. If the motor driver requires a falling edge instead, please turn this setting on.


PWM frequency Frequency generated on the PWM output for controlling the spindle speed.

The standard value of 5000 is correct for controlling a spindle connected to a variable-frequency drive (VFD)

If your machine is a laser machine, you can change it to the desired value for your laser.


Machine type Type of machine. Adjusts behaviour of the interpreter. Depending on the machine type, a different side panel may be shown in the operate view. More information about setting up the machine type is available here: Machine Types

  • Mill / general: Default type. This option is intended for machines that use a cartesian coordinate system.
  • Turning machine: Enables diameter programming, axis display is rotated to show ZX plane
  • Turning machine (mirrored X): Same as "Turning machine", but the X-axis display is mirrored
  • 4-axis foam cutter: To be used with A-axis set as foam cutter axis. A-axis has a special linear behavior.
  • Plasma cutter: The left panel in the operate view is different, enables THC features.
  • Laser cutter/engraver machine: modifies position synchronization behavior (when a job is resumed from pause) - the tool output is only turned on after the machine reaches resume position, instead of the other way around.


Controller board IP address The IP address of your Ethernet controller board.

If you never changed the board's IP address, it is recommended to leave this setting at the default value of .

The IP address of the controller board needs to be first changed with a bootloader app. The board needs to be turned off from power and then turned back on, for the setting to apply.

If you have changed the board's IP address but are not sure what address it is, you can use JP11 jumper on CNC720 or JP10 on the CNC760 to force the default address 

Please note that only CNC7xx series permit custom IP addresses.


Reset input Reset input, for safety relay.

Safety relay prevents the machine from performing actions when it is not considered safe to do so (e.g. machine door is open, emergency stop button is pushed in). Safety relays are excellent at preventing damage when properly configured, therefore it is recommended to research that subject.


Axis brake output AUX output that mirrors drive enable output.

Please note that the axis brake output cannot be inverted.

The reason is that the output has to be in identical state when the power is off and when the power is on but the drives are not enabled.