User interface
Appearance Determines used visual style
Language Display language
Icon directory Directory in which icon image files are located.
The directory must be present within the installation directory or its subdirectories (path must be relative).
Logo image file Logo image file. The image is displayed in corner of the operate view.
The file must be present within the installation directory or its subdirectories (path must be relative).
Setup screen password lock Password lock for the setup screen. The setup screen cannot be accessed without a password if the lock is active.
Setup screen password lock timeout Timeout for the password feature. The password will be requested again on next attempt to enter the setup tab. Value is in seconds.
Please note that the password is requested again upon entry, so the authorized personnel should leave the setup tab once done making changes.
Splash image file Splash image file. Splash is displayed during software loading at start-up.
The file must be present within the installation directory or its subdirectories (path must be relative).
Tab size for job/macro display Size of tab characters (in space characters) as displayed in macro/job file preview window.
Watch job file for changes Determines if current job file should be monitored for changes. If this is enabled and the file changes, a message is shown.
Auto load watched file Determines if current job file should be automatically loaded once it changes.
Please note that if the system's state is not ready at the moment of file change, then the reload is deferred until the system is ready.
Auto run watched file Determines if current job file should be automatically started once it changes.
Please note that if the system's state is not ready at the moment of file change, then the reload is deferred until the system is ready.
Use caution with automatic file run. If the file changes during a job, then it will be automatically started again once the job finished. While this is desired in some situations, it can lead to unintended results.
Auto load file on startup Determines if a job is automatically loaded on startup.
File to load on startup The job file that is automatically loaded on startup if startupAutoLoad is enabled.
Auto run file on startup Determines if startup job file should be automatically started.
Use caution with automatic file run. The file will be automatically run after startup, meaning that the machine will start moving without delay. While this is desired in some situations, it can lead to unintended results.
Invert X jog keys Inverts â and + keys in the jog panel dialog and for keyboard jogging for the X axis.
Invert Y jog keys Inverts â and + keys in the jog panel dialog and for keyboard jogging for the Y axis.
Invert Z jog keys Inverts â and + keys in the jog panel dialog and for keyboard jogging for the Z axis.
Swap X and Y jog keys Swaps X and Y axis jogging buttons in the jog panel dialog and for keyboard jogging.
Disable keyboard jogging Disables keyboard jogging feature.
If you do not use keyboard jogging (or prefer the jog panel dialog), disabling keyboard jogging prevents unintended motion.
Keyboard time out threshold Determines maximum allowed delay at which, if it cannot be determined that a keyboard key is still held in, then all jogging is stopped.
Keyboard time out triggers when the software cannot detect that a key is still pressed.
This prevents the machine from moving too far in the event that the keyboard is experiencing some kind of malfunction or connection issue. If keyboard time out triggers too frequently, this value can be adjusted by a small margin at the time, as the correct value depends on individual computer and keyboard. However, it is recommended to investigate if the issue is with the keyboard first.
Show software terms and conditions on startup Determines if software terms and conditions are displayed on startup. After the document is displayed, this setting is set to disabled.
If the configured software is to be handed off, this setting can be used to force the display of terms and conditions once the new user opens the software.
Show startup view Determines if startup page document is displayed on every startup.
Display helper buttons (zoom, perspective, projection) Determines if 3D machine view helper buttons are displayed next to the view. This setting affects all of the buttons.
Beep on probe trigger Determines if a short sound is played when the probe input is triggered. Requires the computer to have speakers.
The computer needs to have speakers connected to it and the volume (set by your operating system i.e. Windows needs to be high enough to be audible).
Text editor Text editor software to be used when opening text files.
Display G0 dialog instead of G92 dialog on DRO click Determines if G0 dialog is displayed instead of G92 dialog when the DRO (digital read out - axis position in operate view) is clicked. If enabled, the G92 dialog is still available on click if CTRL key is held in.
3D view realtime path max lines Determines maximum amount of drawn lines (path segments) when graphing the actual machine path.
Due to technological constraints, it is recommended to leave this setting value under 5000. If performance of the 3D view is not satisfactory during a job, it is recommended to lower this value.
3D view pen scale factor Scale factor for the pen model that represents the machine tool.
Grid scale factor Factor that determines the distance between lines of grid that represents the machine's working area.
Restore window position from previous session Determines if window position should be saved when the software is closed, and restored when it is opened again.
Display feed rate per second Determines if feed rate should be displayed in units per second instead of units per minute in the operate view.
This setting only affects feed rate display in the operate view. Feed rate values must be still input as units per minute.
4 digits display in mm mode Determines if position display in the operate view has 4 digits after decimal point.
Spindle speed display Determines how second value representing the spindle speed is displayed in the Feed/Speed display in the operate view. Choice between programmed spindle speed, PWM output value and analog input values.
This setting can be used to display current tool S value from external source, such as a sensor.
Spindle speed analog value factor Factor by which analog input value is multiplied before it is displayed, if showInProgSpeed is set to an analog input.
Feed rate override step size Determines the difference between new feed rate value and previous feed rate value when Fâ and F+ buttons are pressed in the operate view.
Show FIFO size Displays current FIFO controller motion queue size in the operate view for troubleshooting purposes.
If FIFO underrun error occurs, watching this value and how it behaves under certain circumstances can help narrow down the problem. FIFO underrun error occurs when the computer can't keep up with sending motion data to the controller.
Display estimated remaining job time instead of total job time Determines if remaining job time is displayed instead of estimated job time for the entire job.
Show M7 key Determines if M7 key (mist) is displayed in the operate view.
Show M8 key Determines if M8 key (flood) is displayed in the operate view.
Show AUX1 key Determines if AUX1 key is displayed in the operate view.
Show home all button Determines if the home all button is displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Spindle' button Determines if the button to turn spindle on/off is displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Traffic' button Determines if the flashing traffic button that switches safety relay on/off is displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Start' button Determines if start (run-pause) button is displayed in the auto menu of operate view.
Show 'Zero' buttons Determines if buttons to set work coordinate zero are displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Zero A' buttons Determines if button to set work coordinate zero for A axis is displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Zero B' buttons Determines if button to set work coordinate zero for B axis is displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Zero C' buttons Determines if button to set work coordinate zero for C axis is displayed in the operate view.
Show 'Plasma Min' button Determines if plasma Z min set button is displayed in the plasma pane of the operate view.
Plasma Z min button sets current Z position as the minimum for the plasma THC.
Show left user button 11 Determines if user button (that calls user_11 macro) is displayed on left pane of operate view.
Show left user button 12 Determines if user button (that calls user_12 macro) is displayed on left pane of operate view.
Show left user button 13 Determines if user button (that calls user_13 macro) is displayed on left pane of operate view.
Show left user button 14 Determines if user button (that calls user_14 macro) is displayed on left pane of operate view.
Show left user button 15 Determines if user button (that calls user_15 macro) is displayed on left pane of operate view.
Show 'Coordinates' tab Determines if the 'Coordinates' tab of the software is available.
Show 'Tools' tab Determines if the 'Tools' tab of the software is available.
Show 'Variables' tab Determines if the 'Variables' tab of the software is available.
Show 'IO' tab Determines if the 'IO' tab of the software is available.
Show 'Service' tab Determines if the 'Service' tab of the software is available.
Show 'Program' tab Determines if the 'Program' tab of the software is available.
Show 'Help' tab Determines if the 'Help' tab of the software is available.
Default job directory Initial directory that is displayed when picking a job file to load.
Auto render after loading GCode Determines if job path preview should be triggered automatically.
If the job path preview is not rendered automatically, it has to be done manually with the "Redraw" button before starting a job.
Show warning when pressing reset Shows a warning when the reset button is pressed to notify the user that the machine is reset and the job progress is aborted.
Turning this setting off may result in accidental cancellations, and is therefore not advised, however, to be able to offer the same behavior as before, it is still available as a setting.
Machine connected to the internet Various interface elements have conditional behavior depending on whether the machine is connected to the internet. The information icon for settings can either open the setting explanation online or show a QR code so the explanation can be viewed on a mobile device with internet access.
Display extended user buttons dialog instead of USER2 menu Determines if the extended user buttons dialog should appear instead of USER2 menu in the operate view. Extended user buttons call user_11 through user_50 macro subroutines.
Enable extended user button <n> Enables display of extended user button <n> in the extended user buttons dialog
Extended user button <n> textname Icon image file of extended user button <n> in the extended user buttons dialog
Extended user button <n> icon path Label text of extended user button <n> in the extended user buttons dialog