Macro programming
Macro programming

Special interpreter commands, non G-Code


Msg <message>

Errmsg <message>

Warnmsg <message>

Logfile, Logmsg <message>

GetToolInfo <num|first|next> <varNum>

Store Position

TCAGuard [on|off]

MCAGuard [on|off]

Exec <external Program> <”parameter”> <Timeout In mS>

SetAcc <axisID X-C> <accValue mm/sec^2>

Vacuum [on|off]

GetJobDistance <index>

GetHeightControlVact <index>

GetHeightControlVset <index>

Service <cmd>


A subroutine called user_reset can be added to macro.cnc. This allows to perform extra reset actions, e.g. set/reset IO using M54/M55.

Below is an example of user_reset, this one toggles AUX1.

;Remove comments if you want additional reset actions ;when reset button was pressed in UI sub user_reset m54 p1 g4 p0.1 m55 p1 msg "Ready for operation" endsub
