
The StatusView is a device that allows the operator to see the machine's status in the blink of an eye. It is visible not only at the machine but also from a distance. The indicators can be placed away from the machine allowing for greater flexibility. In addition to the state of the machine, the progress of the current job can be seen at a moment's notice.

The StatusView device can be attached to the accompanying status lights, and the machine's status can be displayed on the status lights. These states are grouped into four categories (Idle, Running, Paused, and Error). Additionally, machine-on can be displayed; this shows if the machine is powered up and the drives are enabled.
An addressable LED strip can be connected to show the progress of the current job. This strip can have a maximum of 200 LEDs and must use either WS2812 or WS2815 LEDs, other types may be compatible but are untested at this point. The color of this strip can indicate the state of the machine like the traffic light.
The StatusView can be connected to the PC that controls the machine using either Ethernet or USB. The device contains a 10/100Mbit Ethernet interface and a USB-C connector running at USB 2.0 speeds. The maximum cable length for USB is 5 meters (16ft), so Ethernet must be used for installations where more distance is required. This Ethernet can be connected to the same network as the machine controller using an appropriate network switch.
A 24V power supply powers the device. This can also power the accompanying traffic light. The LED strip must be powered externally as these can come in multiple voltage levels.

The StatusView needs a 24-volt power supply. The device, including the traffic light, can use up to 300 mA from the power supply.

The connection to the PC can be established either with USB or Ethernet. Ethernet has a range of up to 100 meters (328 ft) but may require an Ethernet switch when combined with an Ethernet controller. USB has a range of up to 5 meters (16 ft) and only requires a free USB port on the PC. The device automatically detects the connection method and only switches over when the connection is lost.

The status lights can be connected to the StatusView using the six outputs and common ground connection. These outputs are designed to supply around 50 mA and have resettable fuses for 100 mA each. Follow the following connection diagram to connect the EdingCNC Status Lights to the StatusView.

While any output can be connected to any light, these connections work best with the default configuration for the StatusView. Adjusting colors and blinking can be done in the software setup, so no wiring changes are needed. Wiring it this way ensures the rest of the instructions apply to your machine.

The LED strip connected to the StatusView communicates over the NZR protocol popularized by the WS2812B and WS2815 LED ICs. While we have tested and verified the correct operation of these two types of LEDs, others may also work. The main difference between these two is their operating voltage being 5V and 12V respectively. The StatusView cannot supply the operating voltage because these strips have different voltages and possibly large current requirements. This means that the strips need an external power supply that matches the voltage and current rating of the strip.
Strips from different suppliers may have their terminals in other locations, these are usually marked on the strip itself and should be checked before connecting it.
The following diagram should be followed when connecting a WS2812B LED strip to the StatusView.

The following diagram should be followed when connecting a WS2815 LED strip to the StatusView. The strip contains two separate data wires for redundancy, these can both be connected to the signal wire on the StatusView.

When connecting the StatusView in the aforementioned way, the Status Lights should have a sensible default configuration, however, some settings need to be changed to match the LED strip.
The settings for the StatusView are located in the setup under Accessory devices roughly halfway down.

If the StatusView is connected the green icon will show this.
StatusView connected

StatusView not connected

Ethernet settings
The IP address filled in by default is correct if it has not manually been changed on the device. If this address does not fit the network it has been connected to, this can be changed. Follow the steps outlined in Firmware upgrade until the "Program the StatusView" section. Instead of programming the device, press Read Ethernet settings. This loads the current Ethernet settings.

Make the modifications to the Ethernet settings and press Write Ethernet settings.
To complete the process, press the Reset device button to start the device with the new IP address. The firmware tool can now be closed. After this, the IP Address field can be changed to the same as what was used previously and the connection will be made.
The configuration of the LED strips depends on the physical configuration and preference. Setting the number of LEDs that are present on the strip is important so that 100% progress illuminates all LEDs. If the strips are trimmed, the amount of remaining LEDs must be counted.

If the strip is wired in a way that the 0% progress LED is not on the same side as the connection to the StatusView, the strip direction must be inverted.

The color of the LEDs in a certain state can be set to any RGB value. Keep in mind that colors with reduced brightness show up as darker versions of that color. A grey color will illuminate the LEDs as white but at reduced brightness. The selected color is displayed below both as a color and as hex representation.

When using the default wiring scheme, the outputs are mapped as follows:
- Output 1: White segment
- Output 2: Blue segment
- Output 3: Green segment
- Output 4: Orange segment
- Output 5: Red segment
- Output 6: Buzzer
Every output can be set to be turned on in multiple conditions, by default output 1 (white) turns on when "machine-on" is set. The segment can be blinked depending on the state as well, the frequency is determined by the "blink time in ms" setting.
Keep in mind that states Idle, Running, Paused, and Error are exclusive and cannot happen concurrently, but machine on is separate from that. This means that "Machine on" is on as well when the machine is running.

Check if the StatusView device starts correctly, the light next to the heart should blink at 500 ms intervals. If the light does not blink after 10 seconds of supplying power, the device might be broken. If the device blinks twice in quick succession, the device is waiting for new firmware, this happens when the jumper is installed or the software detects a StatusView with the incorrect firmware.
The device can be connected to the PC using either an Ethernet or USB connection. Follow the steps for your connection method.
Connected using USB
- Check if the USB-C cable is not a power-only (no data) cable.
- Check that the total cable length, including extensions, is not longer than 5 meters (16 ft). USB hubs do not count for this length.
- The USB cable does not power the StatusView, it always needs external power using the 24-volt power supply.
Connected using Ethernet
- Be sure that the IP address in the setup matches the IP address of the StatusView.
- The IP address must not match the IP address of the controller or the PC.
- Check the Ethernet cable with another device.
- If all the above steps are correct, you should be able to ping the device. Open Windows command prompt and type ping <IP ADDRESS>, e.g. ping
When connecting the LED strip, the cable going from the StatusView to the strip must be as short as possible. Keep the wire as far away from components emitting lots of EMI (devices like motor drivers and VFDs). If possible, try to use shielded wire to mitigate the effects of EMI.
The Status Lights can be configured to blink on the device itself. Since the StatusView itself can also blink the outputs, the blink switches on the Status Lights need to be set to off. The default configuration requires switches three through eight to be set to ON. These control the blinking of the five LEDs and one buzzer.

When the software detects a connected StatusView that has an incorrect firmware version, the device goes into an update mode. This will be notified to the user through the message view. If so, this step can be skipped. If the firmware needs to be updated without the software giving the instruction, the included jumper should be placed on the two header pins.

Apply power to the StatusView, if the device was already powered when the jumper was placed, restart it. Check if the heartbeat LED blinks as in the image on the left.
StatusView in update mode

StatusView not in update mode

To follow these steps, make sure that the Eding CNC software is closed. Running these both simultaneously can cause connection issues.
Navigate to your software installation directory (typically c:\EdingCNC5.xx) and open the bin directory.
Start the FirmwareToolUI.exe program.

Ensure the settings on the top left side of the application are set correctly. The device will have a default IP address of so this must be changed if your StatusView is connected using Ethernet. After changing the IP address, press the Set button to apply.
Wait for the device to be detected by the application. If the StatusView does not show up, check the previous step to see if the device is in update mode. If it is not, follow the first step (again). If it is in update mode, follow the troubleshooting guide.
The StatusView will be listed in the white panel on the left side of the application.

Click the device, this will open the device settings.

By default, the newest firmware file is pre-filled in. When the selected firmware file does not exist, the program button will be disabled (as shown by the grey background color). Ensure that the correct file is selected.

Programming the device with a firmware file that is not designed for it can cause damage to the device. Ensure the (pre-)selected firmware file is correct.
Press the program button to flash the selected firmware to the device. This operation takes roughly three to ten seconds and the result is shown at the bottom of the screen.

After completion, press the reset button for the device to return to the normal operating mode. If the jumper was placed in the first step, it must be removed now.