The controller board features 3, optionally 4, outputs for controlling the driver of a stepper motor. Each output has an output level of 5V and can sink or source around 15mA per output. The maximum step frequency is 125Khz.
Not all motor drivers are capable of supporting step frequencies up to 125Khz. If you notice that the motors are not moving at all or show erratic movement, try to lower this frequency. Also, consult your motor driver datasheet for the supported frequency.
The ENAx signal can be used to enable the drives or other devices. This signal becomes active when the drives are enabled in the software.
Depending on how the E-STOP hardware behavior is configured these outputs can be switched off in case of an E-STOP condition.
The WATCHDOG/SYSRDY can be used to indicate when the system is active. This can be either with a HIGH (active) / LOW (not active) signal or by outputting a square wave of 12 kHz. Often that signal is used as a kind of watchdog signal by for example stepper drivers.
This HIGH/LOW signal is selected by setting the jumper on the ‘RDY’ position, and the square wave is selected by selecting the ‘PLS’ position.

The TOOL output is used for switching ON and OFF your machine's tool.
Depending on the spindle driver, it might be necessary to use a relay to switch the tool on.
Using a solid-state relay to switch on heavy loads like a spindle motor is advisable because this will also optically isolate this input against external interference signals.
The COOL output is used for switching ON and OFF the flow of coolant to your machine.
Depending on the load, it might be necessary to use a relay to switch the coolant on.
Using a solid-state relay to switch on heavy loads is advisable because this will also optically isolate this input against external interference signals.