
The E-STOP input is used to indicate an EMERGENCY. For using E-STOP, the input signal needs to switch to ground, in the image below this is shown.
Please note that an emergency stop needs to be a 'normally closed' type switch. Multiple switches can be used in series. Using a 'normally closed' will also cause an E-stop if a wire breaks.

The HOME inputs are required for the machine to detect the ‘home’ position.
There are multiple different types of homing switches. They can be PNP or NPN and either Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC). The CNC530 supports only NPN, both NO and NC.
NPN means that the signal gets switched to the ground if the switch is activated. When using a regular switch, connect one terminal to the ground and the other to the corresponding home input.
NPN means that the signal gets switched to the ground if the switch is activated. When using a regular switch, connect one terminal to the ground and the other to the corresponding home input.

Connecting a PNP-type switch to the HOME Hx input of the CNC530 will damage the controller and should be avoided.

The probe input has a dual use. It can be used for tool measurement, measuring the height of a tool, or it can be used for probing an object. If both tools are used, they can be connected together to this input. However, make sure that they both use the same kind of output signal.
In case multiple sensor types can be of use, please consider our sensorHUB