Jumpers & Indicators

Placing the jumper -> Force bootloader 5 seconds on start-up. Not placing the jumper -> Skip bootloader

Placing the Jumper -> Use default IP address ( Not placing the Jumper -> Use user-set IP address

Placing the Jumper on 5v -> The PWM output is connected with an internal (10K) pull-up resistor to +5VDC Placing the Jumper on 12V -> The PWM output is connected with an internal (10K) pull-up resistor to +12VDC Not placing a jumper -> The PWM output can be used as desired.
PWM uses an 'open-collector output'

Placing the Jumper -> 'AUX out' ignores the E-Stop status. Not Placing the Jumper -> 'AUX out' will switch off when an E-stop is triggered.

Placing the Jumper on + -> Corresponding Relay 'COM' connected to 'Relay power'. Placing the Jumper on - -> Corresponding Relay 'COM' connected to 'Relay ground'. Not placing a jumper -> Corresponding 'COM' is floating and can be used as desired. An external power source can be used.
The CNC530 features several indicators that show the status of the board. Additionally to these indicators, an extra connector is available to show the status of outputs. An extra board is included for that connector.
Green LED indicating that 24V is connected to the board.
This LED indicates that the board is connected by ethernet. Please note this does not mean that communication is also possible. Things like incorrect network settings can prevent communication.
When data is transferred through the network interface, this indicator will blink.
This indicator is active when in bootloader mode
Show the board is active.
Indicate the CNC system is active.