Jumpers & Indicators

Lower left (USBPWR) should be set if the board is powered by the USB voltage.
Remove if you want to power externally. External POWER can be applied on the SUBD 25 connector (PIN 20-21, 22-25). And also on the SUBD 9 connector (PIN 7, 8-9), see Connectors.
When using the supply lines on the SUBD 25 the solder jumpers on the bottom side must be connected. They are not connected by default because of compatibility with other parallel port-based CNC controllers where these pins are connected to GND.

When using the supply lines on the SUBD 25 the solder jumpers on the bottom side must be connected. They are not connected by default because of compatibility with other parallel port-based CNC controllers where these pins are connected to GND.

This jumper selects whether pin 17 on the DB25 connector is used as a PWM or 0-10V output.
Jumper to the right => PWM out. Jumper to the left => 0-10 Volt out.

These 2 jumpers control the watchdog output at PIN 16 of the SUBD 25. The watchdog is a hardware circuit that switches on when the software pulses the circuit. This pulse is the red rapidly blinking LED that can be seen after pressing Reset in the software. So this output can be used to enable your amplifiers/spindle and other IO circuits.
The upper jumper controls the output as NPN or PNP. For example, if you connect Leadshine drives with common +5V, you need NPN, if you use common GND, then you need PNP.
The lower jumper controls the output polarity, see below.
Upper jumper to the right => Open Collector NPN. Use with an external supply.
Upper jumper to the left => Open Collector PNP (+5V) output. Use with internal +5V supply.
Lower jumper to the right =>NPN Active SAFE. PNP Active NOTSAFE.
Lower jumper to the left =>NPN Active NOT SAFE. PNP Active SAFE.

This jumper forces the board to skip the bootloader. This can always stay on unless a firmware upgrade is needed. Remove this jumper and follow the instructions on the Firmware upgrade page in the USB section to complete this procedure. Afterward, place the jumper again to skip the bootloader on the next boot.

The green LED shows the current state of the watchdog, where on means safe and off means not safe.

The LED marked with 3.3V indicates that the processor is supplied with power (3.3V).

These LEDs indicate the status of the controller. Each has a separate function, which is specified below.
Indicator | Color | Meaning |
LED1 | Red | WATCHDOG charge pump, indicates the operation of the watchdog circuitry |
LED2 | Orange | - |
LED3 | Green | Controller ‘heartbeat’ indicating the board is active |
LED4 | Red | - |
Please note, when in bootloader mode LED2 and LED3 will toggle to indicate this.
These LEDS are either next to the Ethernet connector (Revision 1.02 and up) or on the connector itself (Revision 1.01 and under)
Indicator | Color | Meaning |
LED5 | Orange | Network connection (LNK) |
LED6 | Green | Network activity (ACT) |