The HOME inputs are required for the machine to be able to detect the âhomeâ position.
The home inputs can be used with micro-switches or with proximity sensors. For micro-switches use the +24V pin and the HOMEx pin. For sensors that use the 24V supply, the Ground, and HOMEx for the sensor output.
These inputs are galvanic isolated. The board is designed for PNP sensors by default, If you use NPN sensors, a pull-up resistor of 2K2 is required between pins +24V and HOMEx.
The ALARM and INPOS can be used to report problems with the motor driver. Each connector has an alarm input available. The alarm inputs pins of all axes are wired together internally. It is assumed that the alarm output of the drives are open-collector outputs so that the alarm outputs of all drives can be coupled together. So, each output can pull the alarm input low to generate an alarm.
Please check that the motor driver ALARM output is configured to be âopenâ if not active.
The RUN and PAUSE inputs can be used to start or stop a job externally. However, they are also used when you want to connect a wired external pendant. If the software is in JOGWHEEL modus these inputs are used for zeroing the position (RUN) or selecting the axis (PAUSE).
The RUN switch can be connected to RUN and +5.2V. Please note, the RUN input operates with 5,2V-EXT. A âNormally Openâ switch should be connected here.
The PAUSE switch can be connected to PAUSE and GND. A âNormally Closedâ switch should be used there, this will automatically pause the program when the Pause cable is disconnected or damaged.
AUX IN1 â AUX IN8 are general-purpose digital inputs. They can be used for reading additional sensors/switches etc. These are galvanically isolated 24V. Each input has a 24V and GND terminal, this allows the supply of 24V PNP sensors. A switch can be wired to the 24V terminal.
AN1 can be used to connect a PT100 temperature sensor, connect between AN1 and GND. AN2 can also be used for a PT100 temperature sensor, connect to AN2 and GND.
To use Analog 1 or 2 with a potentiometer, connect a potentiometer of 680 Ohm to pins AN1 and GND or AN2 and GND.
AN5 is designed for PLASMA THC control, to measure the plasma voltage. An external voltage divider 1:50 is used to convert the high voltage 300V to 6Volt. To have maximum control resolution of this input there are 3 potentiometers on the board to set a window to the interesting work voltage.
Usually, the working voltage for THC is between 80-180 volts, these potentiometers are used to map this range to the full range (0-1023) of the analog-to-digital converter on the iCNC600 board. See the description below on how to adjust the analog input voltage level for analog input 5.
The hand-wheel count signals (A, B, /A, /B are connected to HW1-A, HW1-B, HW1-A/, and HW1-B/).
The hand-wheel +5V supply is connected to 5.2V-EXT and GND
The ESTOP inputs are for informing the software that the safety relay is in a safe or E-Stop state. The ESTOP buttons and possible Machine limit switches are connected to the system safety relay. The safety relay switches on the Power of the machine's moving parts (usually spindle and drives).
1 or 2 output contacts of the safety relay are connected to the ESTOP input(s) of the J8 connector. So the machine safety responsibility is the safety relay and not the iCNC600 board.
A possible Safety relay is e.g. the PNOZ S3 by PILZ.
- If one contact is used, connect it between ESTOP_K1_IN (3) and IN-ESTOP-K2-OUT (6).
- If 2 contacts are used, connect one contact to ESTOP_K1_IN (3) and ESTOP-K1-OUT (4) and connect the second contact to ESTOP-K2-IN (5) and IN-ESTOP-K2-OUT (6).

For more info on using a safety relay, please refer to the documentation of the safety relay supplier.
External Error is a 24V input that can be used as extra error input with action ESTOP or SMOOTHSTOP configurable in the software.
The Probe inputs are used to connect a Touch-Probe or tool setter. NPN and PNP or switches sensors can be used, the 2 probe inputs are internally connected together. If a switch is used, connect it to 24V and PROBE. If a proximity sensor is used, use 24V and GND for the supply of the sensor, use PROBE for the output of the sensor.
These inputs are not galvanic isolated, because they are high-speed inputs. They are 24V inputs filtered and protected against transient voltages.
IN-SYNC is connected (if applicable) to a sensor that gives 1 pulse/revolution of the spindle, it is used to measure the spindle speed and perform thread cutting on a lathe, the minimum pulse width is 1 ms.
This input is 24V filtered and protected against transient voltages.