Support for profiles was added in version 5.2 of the software. Older versions require separate installations in different directories to work.
The default location for configurations is in the install directory in the config folder. In most cases, it is desirable to have separate instances of all settings and macro files. These can then be edited without affecting the other configuration. In this case, it is advisable to have every configuration in a different folder on the PC. To achieve this, there are two ways depending on the situation.
Setting up a configuration from an existing configuration
When the new configuration is based on an existing machine (e.g. when creating two configurations for a machine with changeable tool heads), the files present in the config folder can be copied to a new separate directory. This directory should ideally be located in the config folder with a descriptive folder name. In this example we will be setting up a lathe machine, we therefore will copy the files to a folder named "lathe"

Now the settings below can be followed to complete the setup.
Setting up a new configuration from scratch
When the new machine's configuration differentiates fundamentally from the original (e.g. for a totally different machine), it is recommended to set up the configuration from scratch.
Create a copy of the shortcut on the desktop and rename it to be able to differentiate it from the other configuration. In this example, we will be creating a setup for a lathe machine denoted by Eding CNC Lathe.

Right-click on the shortcut for the new configuration and select properties. Under Target, add the location where the new configuration should be stored. In this case, we opt for a folder within the config folder named lathe. Additionally, the name of the configuration file should be specified.
Make sure a space is present between the configuration file

Apply and close this window. Clicking this shortcut will now create a new configuration in the specified location.
Running multiple instances of the Eding CNC software on the same PC is not supported. When multiple machines are supposed to run simultaneously, separate computers must be used.