Feed/speed override
Feed override source Feed override % source. It can be selected to use the user interface as the only source (F+ and F- buttons), or in addition to a handwheel. Alternatively, an analog input can be used, for example with a potentiometer (recommended value is 4K7) Feed override source values can be adjusted between 0% and 300%. Note that the machine will not move faster than set maximum velocity.
Analog feed override at maximum voltage Maximum feed override percentage when the analog input registers highest value, if other than default 300%.
Analog feed override at minimum voltage Minimum feed override percentage when the analog input registers lowest value, if other than default 0%.
Adaptive spindle feed power override Enable this setting if analog input is used as feed override source which corresponds to current spindle power consumption (to prevent feed rate being too low during spindle ramp up and when it is not running).
Analog stop on higher threshold To be used with adaptive spindle feed power override, this specifies a threshold value at which pause will trigger (e.g. the spindle power consumption is abnormally high).
To control this function at runtime, the M52 command is extended: M52 P.. Q.. R.. S.. P: 0 -> function is off; 1 -> function is on. Q: 0..300 Sets analogFeedOvAtMinVoltage R: 0..300 Sets analogFeedOvAtMaxVoltage S: 0..1023 Sets this threshold value
Speed override source Speed override % source. It can be selected to use the user interface as the only source (S+ and S- buttons), or in addition to a handwheel. Alternatively, an analog input can be used, for example with a potentiometer (recommended value is 4K7) Speed override will override speed % between 0% and 300%. These min/max values cannot be adjusted.
Note that the spindle will not run faster than set maximum spindle speed, or slower than set minimum spindle speed.
Feed hold input Digital input that when active, will result in feed override being set to 0%. Once the input is released, the feed override value is restored.
This can be particularly useful for electrical discharge machining to detect short circuit of the electrode.
Speed hold input Digital input that when active, will result in speed override being set to 0%. Once the input is released, the speed override value is restored.
Note that feed rate is not affected, the machine will still move. Please ensure that this does not damage the machine.
Analog input value filter Use a moving average value for the feed rate override instead of raw values. This helps if the input is "noisy".
Note: Applies only to feed override, speed override is unaffected.