Motion interpolation time Specifies the size (in seconds) of motion segments that are sent to the controller.
It is recommended to leave this setting at default value. If you changed this settings and you are getting "FIFO underrun" errors, please try different values.
For some applications it is desirable to have a lower interpolation time, e.g. if you have a machine with very high acceleration. a lower interpolation time may give smoother acceleration. The minimum interpolation time is 0.001 on CPU 7 series and 0.0025 in CPU5 series.
FIFO queue time Specifies the size (in seconds) of motion stored on the controller
For some applications it is desirable to have lower fifoTime, e.g. plasma THC. It will result in more dynamic THC Z axis control.
Minimal arc segment size Smallest permitted arc segment size in mm. If an arc segment is smaller than this value, the segment is increased.
Too small segments can result in slower machining. Use this setting to speed up machining, at the expense of "worse" arcs.
LAF full speed blending enabled Determines whether the Look Ahead Feed (LAF) blending feature is enabled.
This LAF feature is controlled by G64 R.. command. Please look into the manual for more information on LAF.
LAF full speed blending will prevent the machine from slowing down on certain path segments. Practical values are in the range of 1 to 4 degrees for the lafAngle parameter. Please use this feature with caution (test with very small changes only), as the machine has to be able to achieve this mechanically. The machine will lose steps and potentially damage itself if configuration is not correct.
LAF full speed blending tolerance Tolerance value that specifies how much path corners are permitted to be rounded during LAF moves.
LAF full speed blending angle threshold Threshold angle for LAF full speed blending feature. If the angle is less than this value, machine will not slow down and will not alter that motion segment.
LAF reduced speed path smoothing angle threshold Threshold angle for LAF reduced speed path smoothing feature. If the angle is less than this value, machine will slow down and smoothen that motion segment.
This LAF feature is controlled by G64 R.. S.. D.. command. Please look into the manual for more information on LAF.
LAF reduced speed path smoothing delta Factor that dictates how much corners are smoothed. Higher values will result in larger arcs.
LAF acceleration filter Adjusts constant speed acceleration filter. A value of 1 sets the acceleration to be always constant, but the corners will be rounded to achieve this. Values lower than 1 will result in smaller corners, but slower speed.
This LAF feature is controlled by G64 F.. command. Please look into the manual for more information on LAF.
This may be useful when milling rubber, in order to maintain constant (or near constant) speed. In practice, value of 1 is rarely used as the corners lose too much detail.
LAF arc feed factor Feed factor for LAF feature planned arcs.
A value of 1 has no effect, a value of 0.8 will cause the machine to take arcs at 80% the feed rate.
G0 velocity threshold for G1 Velocity threshold at which LAF will report a G0 command for a command that is originally a G1. This does not have an effect on feed rate.
Visual machine path preview often distinguishes G0 and G1 moves. This setting can be used to produce a better preview of the machine path, in the event that your G-Code does not use G0 for "movement only" motion.
G0 velocity factor Velocity factor for G0 moves.
A value of 1 has no effect, a value of 1.2 would put G0 moves at 120% velocity.
This will override maximum velocity, use caution!
G0 acceleration factor Acceleration factor for G0 moves.
A value of 1 has no effect, a value of 1.2 would put G0 moves at 120% acceleration.
This will override maximum acceleration, use caution!